I am still preparing for a one-year ministry internship in Perth, Australia. This internship will be with the MTW church planting team, my ministry will be focused on fine tuning and utilizing my artistic gifts in community outreach and church development. I am writing to up date you on my progress and once again seek your support.
To say that support raising has been a challenge is a gross understatement. Through this process, I am blessed to be quickly amassing a large prayer support team, however gaining financial support has been a much slower process. It has been about a year sense I was approved by MTW and began this journey. To date, just over 36% of my support has been given/pledged. I cannot leave for Perth until 100% of my financial support has been pledged. My remaining budget needs would be met by $2933 per month for the year I am in Perth.
While I’ve been waiting, God has seen fit to bless my art career here in Wichita. I have continued to paint and have successful shows, resulting in income that has made up 5% of the financial support I have thus far. Currently I am preparing for a show in mid September that will also be used as a fund-raiser for my internship. I am also working locally; living with my parents has enabled me to save a large portion of my income and has aloud me to significantly reduce my budget with MTW.
I would like to once again seek your support as I prepare for ministry in Australia. Please pray with and for me…That God will quickly provide the remaining finances, it is vital to the ministry in Perth that I am on the field by January 1, 2011. That I would be faithful in pursuing all opportunities for support. That God would continue to bless the work I am doing in this time of waiting, that it would not only prepare me to serve in Perth but be a part of my ministry. Pray for the MTW team already in Perth, that they would be encouraged, have the support that they need, and continue to be effective in building our church. Please prayerfully consider how you might be able to join my support team, if 100 people could pledge $30 a month I’d be on my way.