Friday, November 25, 2011

Appology and Request

I'm a terrible blogger.  I'm sorry.  I have really good intentions but poor motivation.  Thank you for following and reading in spite of me.

I've come to realize that I often avoid writing a blog or letter or journaling because it brings a level of reality to things.  Writing it out forces me to deal with things rather than ignore them.  There have been a lot of things in the past nine months that I'd much rater ignore that admit and had to deal with.  This week I was faced with something I couldn't ignore.  My support account has tanked and I need more funding or I'll have to leave Aus prematurely.  You may have received an email with the details of this (if you didn't and would like to let me know).

I cannot remember ever having made New Year's Resolutions.  My birthday is the time when I usually reflect and seek to make changes.  My birthday was 2 weeks ago.  And being a better blogger/letter writer/emailer is something I hope to get better about in the next year.

Please be praying for me.  That God might give me wisdom as I look forward to the last few months of my internship.  Pray the the needed funding would come in quickly.  

Sunday, November 6, 2011

More from the studio

First of all, THANK YOU to all of you who have collected and given your teabag tags to me!!!  Each one of these tags is iconic of a shared moment and a conversation (perhaps it is a conversation with yourself or with God if not a friend).  As of now over 1,000 moments and conversations have been collected form six different countries.  I can't help but wonder as I ponder this work what could happen if each of those conversations were grace filled and the moments purposeful.
Tet a Tet (in progress, Nov. 2011)

In addition to tea-tags I've been collecting used teabags of one specific brand.  Each of these used teabags after being pulled out of the trash is dried, emptied, cleaned, embraced with it's stains, has it's wrinkles smoothed out, and is put in community with other teabags just like it, but with different stains.  Sound like a familiar journey?

The Remnant (in progress, Nov. 2011)


 This last image is a new work I've just started.  All of the tags from the teabags I sew together I've kept separate from the ones for Tet a tet.  These tags are then braided together into one long strand.  I have a feeling that this work will have other elements added to it in the future, but it hasn't told me what those might be yet. 

From the Studio

A dear friend of mine, Luci invited me to join her in reading through the Minor Prophets a while back.  After each book we did a drawing.  Then would discuss the book and our drawing over a bottle of wine.  

If you can guess which book inspired this drawing there might be a prize in it for you....