FUZE is an arts oriented, mentorship based, internship offered through Mission to the World.
The Art Internship is designed to propagate a gracious, engaged, incarnational posture of “moving toward” culture within the hearts and practices of Christian artists.  It is crucial that this perspective be multiplied in artists to create a movement that builds today’s and tomorrow’s church, community and the broader culture.
The Remnant, Shannon Johnston
FUZE is a mentoring environment that gives Christian visual artist interns the opportunity to develop relevance and excellence within their “visual language” practice in the context of cross-cultural ministry.  The year (minimum) long mentorship offers studio space within a working street level, 24-7, heavily community relational MTW church plant (churchfreo) in the bustling heart of the arts and fringe community.  Being immersed in this setting where church meets community meets art, interns will learn to live, love, work and model the gospel of grace through their chosen medium, will be introduced to an international contemporary art scene and contribute to a church planting movement.  What we call, “being Jesus with skin on.”  They will also have the opportunity to ascertain where their practice fits within the contemporary art conversation and to make grace driven contributions.

 At the end of their internships artists will have refined their skills and practice through rigour, critique and exhibition, will be able to contextualize the gospel for a cross-cultural audience through their chosen medium, will be able to model and articulate grace within their practice and will be ready to assist global church planting efforts as creative and lateral practitioners.
Shannon, FUZE graduate and Tim, FUZE intern

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