Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm off to serve the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of all

First of all... If you're still following/reading my blog, THANK YOU! I know that I have not been the best of bloggers the last several months. Thanks for baring with me. I promise I will try my best to be a more consistent poster.

Now, for the good news... I'M LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!!! I am finally getting to start my internship!

Tomorrow I will be heading to New York City for a week, where B and I will be attending IAM Encounter 11, a conference for Christian Artists. There will be some art viewing and playing in that week too. A week from now we will be going from NYC to Berlin, Germany to visit a MTW team there. I'm sure we'll get a little sight seeing in too! Last but not least, two weeks from tomorrow Berenice and I will land in Perth!

There is some tentativeness in starting my internship now. My funding is up to about 70% of my overall budget. This means a couple of things. First, I could need to get a job, hopefully in the arts scene, while on the field. Which could be a really great thing, as it could give me a whole new means of contact with the community I'm seeking to minister to. However, I don't want to get in a position where working overshadows serving. The other option, the one I'm afraid of, is that I might have to come back to the states early. I would ask you to pray heavily on this issue with me. That my full funding would be provided, that God would be glorified.

Other praises ans petitions:
- Funding (obviously)
- Travel safety
- Encouragement through the conference and fellowship in New York and Berlin
- Peace and continued growth at Churchfreo