Monday, February 28, 2011

I'm off to serve the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of all

First of all... If you're still following/reading my blog, THANK YOU! I know that I have not been the best of bloggers the last several months. Thanks for baring with me. I promise I will try my best to be a more consistent poster.

Now, for the good news... I'M LEAVING TOMORROW!!!!!! I am finally getting to start my internship!

Tomorrow I will be heading to New York City for a week, where B and I will be attending IAM Encounter 11, a conference for Christian Artists. There will be some art viewing and playing in that week too. A week from now we will be going from NYC to Berlin, Germany to visit a MTW team there. I'm sure we'll get a little sight seeing in too! Last but not least, two weeks from tomorrow Berenice and I will land in Perth!

There is some tentativeness in starting my internship now. My funding is up to about 70% of my overall budget. This means a couple of things. First, I could need to get a job, hopefully in the arts scene, while on the field. Which could be a really great thing, as it could give me a whole new means of contact with the community I'm seeking to minister to. However, I don't want to get in a position where working overshadows serving. The other option, the one I'm afraid of, is that I might have to come back to the states early. I would ask you to pray heavily on this issue with me. That my full funding would be provided, that God would be glorified.

Other praises ans petitions:
- Funding (obviously)
- Travel safety
- Encouragement through the conference and fellowship in New York and Berlin
- Peace and continued growth at Churchfreo


Bobbi Jo Brooks said...

Can't wait to see you!
And praying for you!

em said...

Good times! :) Look forward to seeing you there! I think we might only be at Thursday and Saturday, but will be around to hang out at other times, too. yippeee!

Megan said...

So happy for you! You better be better about bloging, I need to know what's going on with you! Will keep praying for you. Love you!

Megan said...

So happy for you! Will keep praying. Love you!

Anjanette said...

Your family at Christ Covenant is praying! Can't wait to hear an update!