Again, I managed to not post Memorial Stone Monday on Monday...
Meet the Harrods, Greg, Angie and their boys, Aidan, Donovan and Keegan. The Harrods have contributed to my journey in several ways. They have been faithful prayer partners with me form the very beginning. Several years ago Greg's work took him and Angie and baby Aidan to Australia. We've been able to share stories of being in Oz, funny cross-cultural mishaps, and TimTams. It's nice to hear an authentic "No worries" or "Good on ya" every now and then (even though I know it's mostly just to humor me). Greg and Angie have been and continue to be a huge encouragement and blessing to me, not only through their prayer and financial support, but through friendship they have given me over the years, especially this past year.

Aidan, Donavon, and Keegan have contributed to my support as well through their prayers and the Sunday School offering at Evangel. I can always count on them for a hug or high-five followed quickly by a "when are you leaving?" and "when are you coming back?" I've had the blessing of watching the Harrod boys on occasion for several years now. It has been amazing to watch them grow "in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men".

So, as a bit of an excuse for why I'm late and a prayer request. I've been preparing for Global Missions Conference (the PCA and MTW's anual
shin-dig) in Chattanooga, TN. I've been invited to show some of my artwork at this years conference. Which of course means I have been a crazy person the last few weeks and extra crazy the past few days. Yesterday I left Wichita for Atlanta, I'll be spending a few days here with my sister then heading to Chattanooga on Thursday. Then back to Atlanta on Tuesday and home Thursday.