Today I want to introduce you to Ron and Terri Stockman. My parents met the Stockmans when I was a baby while both families were stationed in LA and they have been best friends ever since. I've always known them as "Mr. Ron" and Miss. Terri."

The Stockmans are very much so a part of my family. Mr. Ron and Miss. Terri's sons have been the closest thing I've ever had to brothers. Our families shared holidays, birthdays, and many just plain old days. I don't officially have godparents, but if I did it would be the Staocmans. They even few out to Wichita for my thesis exhibit a year and a half ago.
Miss Terri and I are very alike... we dress similarly. We both have very dark hair and very fair skin. We do our make up the same way. We both get a rash when we eat mangos. We're both artists. We have many more idiosyncrasies in common, but to list them could be narcissistic yet embarrassing. It's to the point that our families joke that Miss. Terri is my "other mother" or my "birth mom."

Just last week I got the notification from MTW that Mr. Ron and Miss. Terri have joined my support team. I knew they were partnering with me emotionally and in prayer from the very beginning of this journey, it's great to have them officially on my support team. Their pledge also brought me up to 50% of support raised. I've been told the last half comes in faster and easier than the first... we'll see. It seems befitting that such a "monumental" moment in this process would come from the Stockmans!

As a kid it was oddly comforting to know that if something happened to my parents Mr. Ron and Miss. Terri would take care of my sisters and I. There is nothing odd about having them taking care of me in this way now and it's just as comforting.
(I sincerely hope that Mr. Ron and Miss. Terri will forgive me for posting such awesome pictures of them... What can I say? The 80's were great!)