Tuesday, December 6, 2011

FUZE: week 38

          Cost week started with a phone call that I knew was coming sooner or later, but thought was still about a month away.  My support account at MTW had tanked.  It was before noon on Thanksgiving Day when I got this call.   Although there were many things this week that revolved around financial matters

          A true blue Aussie saying goes “Can’t be bothered.”  The rough translation of this would be, “Meh, it’s not worth it.”  As I reflected on the idea of “cost” this phrase kept coming to mind.  Generally it was followed by the thought of how much of a bother am I?  Everything costs us something… time, money, energy, resources, pride, emotion…  I cost Jesus everything.  And he didn’t hesitate to pay that cost.    How much more willing should that make me to pay my time, pride, energy, ect… for Him? 

          I am making a real effort to not say, “I can’t be bothered.”   Because I’ve been called to bother, we all have. 


Megan said...

Maybe this is a silly question, but what's cost week?

Shannie said...

It's the theme B and I set for that week.